This weekend was definitely more chill as we didn't do a whole lot of traveling outside of Crystal City. Angela and I went to one of our co-workers apt to relax and just have a good time; this included Ice Age at 2 in the morning, obnoxious dancing and singing to 80s music, and ridiculous amounts of yummy breakfast food in the morning. Exactly what "the Wolf Pack" needed after a long week at work. I have a feeling this week is going to be long, too...
Us A&M peeps went to the zoo Saturday afternoon. Ran into Jeremy from school (of course) and got to see all the cool animals...except the zebras...I missed the flipping "Meet a Zebra" day by two. hours. Who stops a day at 130?! I's a ZEBRA. So depressing. At least I got a photo... We only covered half of it, so we'll have to go back!

Saturday night the roomies all went out to Artomatic in downtown Crystal City. It was...interesting, to say the least. We all got dressed up to go out, when we really should've dressed like CG baristas walking around ATX. It was the most hipster thing I've ever been to. However, us chicas did get our wine bought for us by some random patron, so that was cool :) Check out this black-light zebra photo! There was also a picture of the Last Supper done completely out of straw, but I couldn't get a pic of that.
And how could I forget church Sunday morning!! A few of us went to Portico in Arlington, an Acts 29 church. We were going to go to Mark Batterson's church, but Jeff said he got this one recommended to him, so we traipsed out to deep Arlington. In typical Courtney fashion, I ran into someone I knew from Baylor!! He happened to be on the exact same Metro car as me and was only there because his mom missed the first one! It was awesome to see Drew!! It makes me miss all my Sing Alliance folks! Anywho, the service was fantastic. The pastor is incredibly charismatic and personable, and the worship just brought me back to New Life. They even have community groups!!! I might be staying here, but I still need to try out NCC, just to make sure. Definitely something I - and you can too! - am praying about. :)
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